Even some of the Sprites with less appeal in my eyes are all great works of art, especially the attention to detail, such as in the case of Ninetales’ hair.Įach Pokeball, the items that hold Pokemon after being captured, has its own specific color opening, a tiny detail that adds to the game’s appeal. Many gamers will even dare say that it’s the best in the series so far. The standard GBA animation graphics are already outstanding for its category, and the Ruby and Sapphire games are also following in the footsteps with their impressive showing. Like many of my fellow Pokemon gamers, I definitely wish that it lives up to the standards set by its predecessors. Welcome to the next era in the hugely popular Pokemon series! While the Gold, Silver and Crystal versions are still fresh in our minds, here’s a closer look into the next generation of Pokemon, the Ruby and Sapphire versions. The Pokemon Game series continues to evolve with each version being better than the last, a constant and consistent evolution that contributed to the series becoming among the best videogames today. In Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire.just beat the elite 4 and obtain the national dex.Poke Ruby Emulator Emulate GBA Pokémon Sapphir on PC & Mac Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Are Shimmering Gems in the Videogame Industry Their pokemon's level change aswell as they gain new pokemon You must be aware that they have been stronger than ever. If you are trying to go back and try to challenge the Elite 4 again.

Now take it back to Celio and the machine will be fixed and you can now trade to Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/XD and Colesseum. Beat all of them including the Scientist and after that he will give back the Sapphir Gem. Noe go to Island 5 and go to the Team Rocket's Warehouse. Go to the Top hole, then left,right and bottom and you will ended on a cave go to the hole and you will find the Sapphire gem but a scientist will take it from you and you MUST get it back. You will end up on a dungeon with four different holes.Here's what you need to do. Enter the cave and go to the middle hole. Now bring a Pokemon that knows the move Cut. After getting the HM.go up to the waterfall and you will find the Elite 4 member Lorelie traped by Team Rocket Grunts' Help her beat them and then she will ask you to save the other pokemon. Yes it is there you will find the HM Waterfall. You must bring a useless water type Pokemon so you could teach it the move Waterfall. After you got the rainbow pass go to island 4. Sapphire Gem: Ok.this one gem make's the game but more complicated and bit drastic.

Two rockets are blocking the entrance and they will only leave if you beat them and you probably will be able to beat them. And then finish the task celio wants you to do
In FR/LF you must do some things.beat the elite 4.obtain the national dex by catching over 60 pokemon.